Fietsen in Thailand, Fietstoers in Chiang Mai Thailand, Fietsvakantie in Chiang Mai Thailand, fietstrektocht in Chiang Mai Thailand, begeleid fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, niet-begeleid fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, individueel fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, avontuurlijk fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, eco-toerisme in Chiang Mai Thailand, landelijke fietstoers in Chiang Mai Thailand, culturele fietstochten in Chiang Mai Thailand, fietsen met kinderen in Chiang Mai Thailand, Belgische toer company, actieve vakantie in Thailand, fietsroetes in Chiang Mai Thailand, ontdek Chiang Mai Thailand per fiets, de beste fietstochten in Chiang Mai Thailand, reisverhalen over fietsen in Thailand, Thailand Trekking, unseen Thailand, Amazing Thailand, exclusieve fietstocht in Chiang Mai Thailand

Cycling in Chiang Mai Fietsen in Thailand


Click and Travel Ltd. acts as an agent for transport companies, hotels and other contractors and shall not be held liable for any injury, death, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may occur.

The traveller understands that during this type of adventure travel some risks and dangers may occur. The traveller agrees to assume all risks associated with this type of adventure travel. The traveller also understands that he or she is travelling in areas which may be remote, subject to varying climatic conditions or politically unstable.

Click and Travel Ltd. will not accept any responsibility or liability for any cause such as accidents, injury, death, damage, loss or theft that may occur during the trip.

We strongly recommend that the traveller buys travel insurance before he or she leaves their home country. It should provide cover against theft, personal accident, personal liability, medical expenses, repatriation and cancellation of tickets.

Click and Travel Ltd. carries minimal insurance to cope with minor medical emergencies that may occur during the tour. This insurance is not intended to replace comprehensive travel insurance.

Click and Travel Ltd. reserves the right to amend an itinerary if conditions warrant. In the unlikely event that a tour is cancelled, full refund of all payments will constitute full settlement with the customer. However Click and Travel Ltd. is not responsible for any additional expenses incurred by the traveller in preparing for the trip (e.g. non-refundable air tickets, equipment expenses, etc.). No refunds will be made if you leave a trip for any reason whatsoever, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, after the trip has begun. No refunds will be made for any accommodation, transport, sightseeing, meals or services not utilized.

Click and Travel Ltd. reserves the right to decline to retain any person as a member of any party at any time if we feel that person mentally or physically incapable of continuing or that person hinders the operation of the tour. Under these circumstances refunds will not be given. Travellers agree to accept the authority of the Tour Guide or Group Leader. As a trip member the traveller is expected to exhibit considerate behaviour toward other trip participants and respect their habits and act in a manner befitting the customs of the culture of the host country.

GPS or other tracking devices are not allowed to be used on our tours.

Click and Travel Ltd. will not accept responsibility or liability for any traveller who contravenes any law or regulation of Thailand and any country visited.

Participation in our tour programs implies the client's agreement to the above.



Fietsen in Thailand, Fietstoers in Chiang Mai Thailand, Fietsvakantie in Chiang Mai Thailand, fietstrektocht in Chiang Mai Thailand, begeleid fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, niet-begeleid fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, individueel fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, avontuurlijk fietsen in Chiang Mai Thailand, eco-toerisme in Chiang Mai Thailand, landelijke fietstoers in Chiang Mai Thailand, culturele fietstochten in Chiang Mai Thailand, fietsen met kinderen in Chiang Mai Thailand, Belgische toer company, actieve vakantie in Thailand, fietsroetes in Chiang Mai Thailand, ontdek Chiang Mai Thailand per fiets, de beste fietstochten in Chiang Mai Thailand, reisverhalen over fietsen in Thailand, Thailand Trekking, unseen Thailand, Amazing Thailand, exclusieve fietstocht in Chiang Mai Thailand
